Lover of Life

Eberron Party Members
Shifter Ranger

Changling Bard

Dwarf Cleric DEAD
Dwarf Cleric DEAD
Human Wizard DEAD
Human Cleric LEFT
Elf Artificer LEFT
Warforged Warrior LEFT
Human Rogue DEAD

Min - Human Monk

Feats/Monk Abilities

Skills (above +5)

Strength (18) Masterwork Nunchuka +9 Combat Reflexes (F) Balance (+10)
Dexterity (16) Flurry of Blows +7 Deflect Arrows (F) Diplomacy (+5)
Constitution (14) Stunning Fist +8 Stunning Fist (F) Jump (+15)
Intelligence (12) Shurikens +8 Improved Grapple (F) Listen (+14)
Wisdom (16)   Improved Unarmed Strike (A) Move Silently (+9)
Charisma (14)   Flurry of Blows (A) Sense Motive (+8)
    Evasion (A) Tumble (+12)
    Exotic Weapon Prof. (F) Spot (+17)
    Still Mind (A)
    Ki Strike (A)
    Slow Fall (A)
    Purity of Body (A)
    Improved Trip (F)
    Alertness (F)

Facts About My Journal and Adventures;
In Case They Survive a Few Ages

During the month of Therendor of 998, I left the monastry after many boring years of boring monks studying boring books. The death of my master was a catalyst for my departure. I've spent so many years in this forest by Lake Brey on the border of Thrane and Breland. My early childhood was Aruldusk, just across the Brey River from the Mournlands, back when it was more normal. I've traveled extensively for the monastry, but I need some air on my own...perhaps Boldrei will bless my efforts to bring community together, along with some help from Olladra to throw together some parties as well.


Thursday, January 13, 2005

The party got back together again to return to the sewers for the mysterious recently made wall. Sheaf disappeared for a couple of days, only to return with a wolf! This confused me initially, but he explained that he was calling out to nature for a companion. He named her Aeschere; hopefully Aeschere will be friendly to the rest of us....

My biggest concern with the mysterious wall was that Demise had gotten into it, but it was untouched. It would seem that Demise did not take advantage of the information we gave her, thankfully. Sheaf found many tracks, and Duval recognised them as carrion crawlers, which may be the reason for all the missing bodies we left down here. Sheaf and I started digging through the wall immediately while Anvil watched our backs. The others wanted to search - I'm supposing for the owner of the tracks. A little later, Duval came running back to tell us that the others were attacked by a carrion crawler. Somehow that didn't surprise me since they went deeper in the tunnels. Sheaf and I ran hard to get back, but the battle seemed under control at least. I missed my first attack, but made a good blow on him as he ran past me. Sheaf ran ahead and finished it. Apparantly there was another one, but it was dead. I am assuming that the absence of the crawlers satisfied the others since they returned with Sheaf and me to help finish the dig.

Sal kindly infused Anvil's hammer with a sonic ability, which saved us many hours. We finally broke through and I headed through the opening first. I had stepped into a tunnel...I walked forward to find a room with a some kind of trap since all the floors sloped toward the middle, where a large pit lay. The others were there, and we decided to hold Sal tethered to a rope to search for traps. He discovered that the floor was false, and collapsed the trap. The pit seemed to lack any interest, as well as the rest of the room. I was very disappointed. Duval fried the moss that was in the pit, but that was the only activity.

A day wasted, but curiousity satisfied, we headed back to the surface. We heard a scream of agony or fear on our way back, and we chased it to a room with a pool. Something was slipping into the pool just as we arrived, so our archers shot into the pool. Personally, I was afraid that they were shooting the wrong thing, such as the screamer being dragged into the pool or something, but nothing came of it anyway.

I'll be glad to be on my way to a fresh adventure.

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Getting out of the sewers was thrilling for me. Getting to House Jorasco for a couple days of healing was even better. Sheaf and Sal stopped by the House also to receive healing, but didn't stay as long as I stayed.

Xander, Sal, and Tic did go turn in the prisoners that we found in the sewers (I didn't mention them previously), but nothing seemed to come of it. Sheaf and Anvil went to the shoppe to tell of the worker's demise, but their report did not show any remorse or caring from the foreman. I was sad that he cared so little, but rested assured that the workers would be relieved to hear that the kidnappers are gone.

I discovered later that Duval had a lead box made for the amulet so that a scrying spell would not locate it in the interdimensional haversack. I wasn't sure of the need, but then I don't have experience with magical abilities. The best news of the whole resting period was that Sheaf found a moderately strong wand of healing with most of the charges still available. The entire party scrimped and saved to get it, and we did manage to barely afford it. That will make a huge difference in our future adventures. I was saddened to sell my ruby rimmed goblet, and to give up all of my gold, but it was well worth it for a wand of healing. That was after I had commissioned Sal to make me an amulet of natural armour. So I'm definitely completely out of money. Fortunately I do not focus on the accumulation of wealth; although it is helpful when one needs an amulet of natural armour or a wand of healing!
The Kidnapping Episode
Sharn is quite large, but it apparantly still takes a lot to entertain us because it did not take long before we felt the need to get involved with another adventure. We decided to investigate problems of people disappearing in the sewer. I wasn't thrilled at the mention of Sharn's sewer's again, but Sheaf and Anvil seemed very partial to taking care of the situation, especially after visiting the workplace that experienced the disappearances. Meanwhile Xander introduced us to Duval, somebody he met at the bar. I don't usually take things at face value in a bar, but he seemed to have some good qualities, and he was well armoured with leather and spiked chain, giving me the impression that he was also experienced. He wanted to be a part of our little adventure in the sewers, so we'll see his qualities first hand, I'm sure.

To make a rather lengthy storey short for such a short adventure since I left my ink above ground and could not possibly remember all of the details, we did find the kidnappers, but the victims met their fate in death, so we had nothing to save, except to wreck vengence on their behalf. Nearly at the cost of our lives, we did wreck considerable vengence. It was quite the maze down in the sewers; something that was not conducive to my above-ground-nature-loving-self, but I must remain open-minded in order to learn, according to my Monk Master.

We did find something of interest in a chest, besides the gold. It was an amulet with an inscription and a crude map. The inscription said: Three turns right, three turns left, One right, push, click. I wasn't horribly impressed, but it's difficult to be impressed in this dank environment. Tic believed that the map was from Xend'rick, which immediately piqued my interest since I have been wanting a boomarang from that region. Since Xend'rick is an entire continent south of Khovaire, it has the promising sound of plenty of adventure and new knowledge.

Before leaving the sewers, Sheaf really wanted to break down a spider web close to where we'd depart, so we did do that, only to discover an apparantly recently built wall. I was pretty bored with the whole idea of the tunnel behind the spider until the discovery of the new wall. The party as a whole was pretty determined to return as soon as possible given our sustained injuries, but Sheaf and I swore to return. Unfortunately, on the way up, we bumped into a party where the leader, Demise, described the amulet and map we had found that she was wanting. Since we knew nothing of her history, we did not trust her with our new possessions, but instead told her about the new wall, and that perhaps some clues will be there. I'm not happy about that imparted knowlege, in retrospect, because I was hoping to find something there. We shall see later if she found anything of value, when Sheaf and I return.
The Mighty Battle & Return
I put off scribing our last battle until we safely returned to town, then we headed off to a quick episode in the Sharn sewers. Unfortunately, I left ink behind during that episode! So, I must recall the mighty battle with the vampire, then scribe the adventure of the kidnappers.

The Mighty Battle
I notice that the my last entry has two zombies dead while we heard more shuffling. Meanwhile we were desperately trying to get everybody and the wolves up through the tunnel. Four more zombies came into view that met their demise quickly. We then heard the vampire calling us. We stepped up, as Xander called out that we'd be at peace if he accepted Rumtar has his god. That was cute. Quite expectedly, the vampire was not interested in peace or gods, but rather the schema. I can't remember who cast the first spell or plunged the first sword, but there was a long battle that ensued.

Cal's life ended as his tried to take out the vampire, by either one of the vampire's cronies or the mage hand. I was too busy in my own battle alongside Anvil to take too much notice of the battlefield. All of us suffered much injury, but the best battle I endured was with Buff Bitch. I do not normally condone such speech, but she is worthy of the name. She nearly ended my life, but I prevailed, thanks to Sal and Sheaf's help. Sheaf had to dump healing potion down my throat before I could come around to take Buff Bitch's set of daggers as a trophy. The vampire ended up leaving the scene, but not until most of his cronies died, including his right hand woman, Buff Bitch, and his left hand mage, who happened to be shot through the eyes by Sheaf.

The Return to Sharn
We returned safety with the schema and the cart to Rhukaan Draal. After selling our wares found in the Mournlands, we met the Lady at the Wild Habiscus, which seemed like a higher class establishment in comparison to the typical pubs there. Xander bought us a round of ale for a toast to Flop and Durrock. The Lady met us there and Tic gave her the one schema and device that we found with it. She told the Lady about Garrow, the vampire, and how we believed he had one already. She confirmed that the Emerald Claw had one schema, and after more discussion, Tic slid out the duplicate schema, which seemed to confuse her more than help her. We then took a sea ship back to Sharn, escorting the Lady. I only threw up once.